Monday, August 9, 2010

Choosing a Monologue Part 3: What's The Quick and Easy Way To Find A Monolouge?

What is the quick and easy way to find a great Monologue?

There isn’t one. Ok – there might be one –if happen to know an amazing playwright, who writes plays that happen to have amazing monologues in them. As much as I’d like to claim Dennis Schebetta as my private playwright….sigh…I have to share him with all of you.

The best way to find great monologues is to READ PLAYS. Skim them if you have to. Look for chunks of text – paragraphs to start. They are out there. Keep reading (plays...and this post!)

Sometimes you can “Piece” a monologue together. This can be tricky.*note below.

The following is an example of piecing:

Original Text:

Queen Christina

(lots more text before )….. I am allowed to bring forth in unimaginable pain, a vegetable a dwarf, a monster or if I’m supremely fortunate – another creature such as myself.


Ordinary women do this daily.


I am not ordinary! If there is one thing you have taught me since the moment I could hear it is the specialness of me! (lots more texts after this)

The Piecing

Queen Christina

(lots more text before )….. I am allowed to bring forth in unimaginable pain, a vegetable a dwarf, a monster or if I’m supremely fortunate – another creature such as myself. Now, ordinary women do this daily. But I am not ordinary! If there is one thing you have taught me since the moment I could hear it is the specialness of me! (lots more texts after this)

I added two words to make the transition. Sometimes you can cut a line. Example – there may be one or two words from another character like “What?” but the monologue makes since if the character you are looking at just keeps going.

On the permanent pages you will find a list of playwrights. I love the work of these playwrights’s. These plays are a good place to start. I don’t guarantee you will find a great monologue – but it’s a good bet that some of you will find one you are drawn to and that works for you.Not to mention - it's time well spent. Did I mention they have written plays I LOVE! I am sure there are wonderful playwrights I have left out – please feel free to comment and add your own to this list!

*Disclaimer – when you piece a monologue you may be changing the playwright’s words. If you do this try not to change the playwright’s intent. Some playwright’s would be totally fine with this for auditions – some not so much. Most – not in the room. I say this with great respect knowing and loving many playwrights.

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